
旅游 中国茶叶流通协会 2021-10-08 17:50


品牌简介Brand profile


"Chaceremony Litu" subjection Guangdong Litu Catering Management Co., Ltd.,A new type of Tea Drinks Brand chain business enterprises.In terms of innovation, it is the first to create "Runner-up scholar longan tea". In terms of tea research and development, professional tea reviewers have extracted the concept of Gongfu tea, elaborate blending Several unique LITU imprinted tea "Gongfu Dancong cha", "Jasmine silver bud" and "ocean stir fried tea", With ingenuity, the tea bottom runs through the whole brand product line.


Featured products and introduction

大洋炒茶 系列 ocean stir fried cha series


chaoshan ocean stir lemon cha and Snow velvet ocean milk cha,2 cups of special green tea from Chaoshan —— ocean stir fried tea.The tea garden has reached the level of pollution-free and organic planting,In terms of production technology, the tea is re fried at high temperature, tthe tea has a warm nature, and the color of the finished tea is yellow green and dark gray. At the same time, the exclusive improved technology of Litu makes the taste stronger, the soup color is orange yellow, the aroma of cooked chestnut is high, and the entrance is mellow and long.


Gongfu dancong Lemon tea,Use tea Strictly select the traditional Chaoshan Fenghuang dancong cha process, which goes through 12 processes from preliminary preparation to refining. The fragrance enters the water, and the taste is rich, mellow and strong. Guangdong Oolong cha must match Guangdong lemon, perfect partner!


Champion scholar longan tea It's Runner-up scholar longan tea Optimized version of,Litu original drink,Health drink.Creativity comes from Wang Mengying, a famous doctor in Qing Dynasty《Suixijuyin recipe》—— Yuling ointment,Ancient preion for health preservation,Recorded in the book:Yuling ointment,It is a perfect product for tonifying blood and Qi,Functions: tonifying blood, supplementing qi and calming nerves.Yuling ointment Beverage oriented "champion scholar longan tea" It has: refreshing, sweet, refreshing, fresh taste, and fragrant longan fruit.

产品基础知识Product Basics


ocean stir fried cha


History: the records of Jieyang County by Yongzheng of the Qing dynasty recorded that "the local tea in the mountains tastes slightly bitter", and the continuation of Jieyang County by Guangxu of the Qing dynasty recorded that "the local tea in the tea mountains tastes slightly bitter and is extremely warm, and the natives call it fried son tea. However, only the people in the mountains are fond of it. All the tea they drink and sip are built. " It shows that the history of fried tea is very long.


Technology:The change of tea frying comes from the last process "Stir fry again", which adopts heavy fire frying and high temperature heavy fire "Swing pot". Due to the use of heavy fire during frying, the tea nature of ocean stir fried cha changes from bitter cold to warm. Even if you drink more, it will not hurt your stomach, but the bitter taste and hot qi of cha are difficult to eliminate. Litu improved the production technology, greatly reduced the "bitter taste" and made the fried tea better used.


Geography: JieXi Dayang mountain is known as the "top of clouds". It is located in the small and medium-sized basin of Lianhua Mountain in the north. It has a subtropical climate with large temperature difference between day and night and strong photosynthesis. It is about 600 to 1000 meters above sea level, with overlapping peaks and peaks, with an annual average temperature of 19 degrees. It has high mountains and clouds, clear springs, deep and thick soil layer, and contains a large number of minerals and trace elements. It is very suitable for the growth of tea trees.




Single cluster tea, a traditional famous tea, Guangdong oolong tea, is produced in Fenghuangshan, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province.

The soil environment of Fenghuang mountain is a mountainous area with coarse-grained granite. On the red and yellow land, the content of organic matter is between 1% - 2% and the content of minerals is also high. In addition to the high mountain clouds and diffuse light, which are beneficial to the synthesis of tea trees, many favorable conditions such as high air humidity and large temperature difference between day and night have created today's Phoenix single cluster, which has the characteristics of beautiful shape, green color, mellow taste, durability, depressed fragrance, strong resilience and extremely foam resistance.





It comes from the classic health preserving ancient preion of Wang Mengying, one of the four doctors in the Qing Dynasty.

"Longan, sweet and warm. Replenish heart qi, An Zhi Calm down; Yipiyin, supplement Body fluid. The holy fruit is suitable for the old and the weak. " The combination of longan meat and American ginseng can be described as a combination of two swords, a perfect combination of Qi and blood, and Qi and Yin. It is basically suitable for all people with blood deficiency except children and pregnant women.

Qi is the Commander of blood and blood is the mother of Qi. That is to say, the Qi is the general who commands the whole body of blood. Wherever the Qi goes, the blood goes. The blood must obey the orders of the Qi. If the blood doesn't listen to Qi, the blood will come disorderly, move rashly, and various blood diseases will appear.

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