GIADA Garden新年盛宴,用最意大利的方式迎接2022

旅游 美味关系文化传播 2021-12-27 10:52

原标题:GIADA Garden新年盛宴,用最意大利的方式迎接2022



Throughout December, Italy is immersed

in a joyful festive atmosphere.


图片来自网络 Picture from the Internet

For Italians, New Year is one of the most important festivals of the year, filled with music, food, drink, and parties. On the last day of the year, everyone wears red clothes, symbolising luck, prosperity, and fertility in the year to come. New Year’s Eve dinner is the most sumptuous meal of the year.

2021年12月31日 - 2022年1月6日,GIADA Garden行政主厨Chef Marino以一席特别定制的传统晚宴,将Fine Dining的仪式感与传统意大利家庭菜谱的美味融汇一席。来自全球的高级食材,在传统的技法与当代的审美下,带着与生俱来的丰富色彩,仿佛勾勒着餐盘中来自地中海的艳阳,与盈蓝的海岸线。跨越山海,拓宽味蕾的边界,诚邀广大宾客食遇意大利。

From 31 December-6 January, head chef of GIADA Garden Marino D’Antonio has prepared a special New Year’s menu that blends the ceremony of fine dining with traditional Italian festive foods. High-end ingredients from all over the world are combined with traditional techniques and contemporary aesthetics, recreating the flavours of Italian on the plate.

Handmade Tagliolini | Butter | Parmigiano Reggiano | Black Truffles

手工制缎带面 | 帕玛森干酪 | 黑松露

烤新西兰海鳌虾的鲜甜,番茄酱汁的清爽,西西里橄榄油注入典型的意式开场白,来自海洋的回味中洋溢着自然的清新鲜甜。手工制缎带面是餐桌的灵魂,与帕玛森干酪,黑松露彼此和谐,交错引发出难忘香气。澳大利亚 Mayura M9+纯血和牛里脊的隆重,尤胜以往,搭配黑松露土豆泥,和牛的脂香、松露的异香在焦香软嫩间大放异彩,复合的口感和香气四溢于口腔,激发着味蕾欢愉。Pandoro黄金面包作为最后的节日甜品,是新年餐桌上的重要成员。通体金黄的外表、散落的糖粉、八角星般的横切面、柔软的质地,心满意足的吃上一口,感受舌尖上的点点幸福感。

M9+ Mayura Platinum Full Blood Tenderloin

Black Truffle Mashed Potatoes | Natural Jus

澳大利亚 Mayura M9+纯血和牛里脊 | 黑松露土豆泥 | 牛肉汁

The menu opens with a dish featuring New Zealand scampi, sweet tomato sauce, and Sicilian olive oil. Next, handmade free pasta makes an appearance, paired with Parmesan cheese and fragrant black truffle. High-quality Australian Mayura M9+ wagyu beef brings a real sense of ceremony to the menu, especially when paired with black truffle mashed potatoes. The menu concludes with a festive golden Pandoro, a traditional sweet Italian bread.

在跨年夜当晚,GIADA Garden将会为所有食客们准备意大利家庭最为传统的Zampone con le lenticchie以及免费意大利起泡酒一杯。意大利人认为,在年末最后一天的午夜,全家人坐在一起分享一盘丰盛的 Zampone con le lenticchie将会带来好运。Zampone是一种由猪肉混合的香肠, lenticchie是一种扁豆,使人们联想起古老的金币,因此象征着财富和金钱。在意大利有句俗语,“谁吃的扁豆越多,来年就会越富有”。


Zampone con le lenticchie

图片来自网络 Picture from the Internet

In addition, On New year's Eve, GIADA Garden will be serving a glass of free sparkling Italian wine and zampone con le lenticchie, a traditional celebration dish made from pork sausage and lentils. Lentils are thought to look like ancient gold coins, symbolising wealth, or as the Italian saying goes, “The more lentils you eat, the richer you’ll be.”

新年夜晚宴期间将由钢琴家Moreno Donadel先生

与意大利知名歌手Simona De Rosa女士带来精彩的现场表演

During the New Year's Eve,Pianist Mr Moreno Donadel will be on hand with famous Italian singer Simona De Rosa to accompany dinner

璀璨的节日季中,于GIADA Garden与家人朋友们一起分享新年的祝福与期盼。特别值得一提的是,新年夜晚宴期间将由钢琴家Moreno Donadel先生与意大利知名歌手Simona De Rosa女士带来精彩的现场表演,伴随着悦耳旋律,恣享意式美酒,细密的气泡,轻盈的果香,带来浓烈的欢庆氛围。站在时光的交错点,回顾,启程。心怀期待与热爱,一起迈向新年。

During the New Year's Eve, Pianist Mr Moreno Donadel will be on hand with famous Italian singer Simona De Rosa to accompany dinner. With a glass of sparkling Italian wine in hand, sweet melodies in the background, and a table of delicious food in front of you, it will feel like a wonderful New Year celebration.




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