舌尖上的“锦一”,Welcome to my channel!

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原标题:舌尖上的“锦一”,Welcome to my channel!



Enjoy delicious food



Enjoy delicious food



Enjoy delicious food


初2020级01班 张琛

After I try to make my Jason’s homemade shrimp fried rice I really understand how complicated cooking is , now I truly understand my parents’ pay . I’d like to share this dish for my parents to give them thanks.After making fried rice,I also can know the happiness of cooking. I’m now very happy to master a new life skill.Wish one day I can make some dishes for people who I love and people who love me.

初2020级02班 伍飞儿

Making a dish was a homework at first but I learnt more than just doing a dish. The preparation was complex and making the dish took me longer time than I thought it would. This might be the first time I truly did everything by myself which let me know that why every time my mom feels tired of it. This experience was meaningful and precious actually, it was a good symbol of independence and ability for a 13-year old kid like me.

初2020级03班 周之涵

I’m sure I have learned a lot from finishing this special English homework. Firstly, I think I make great progress in cooking and my skills obviously become much better. Secondly, I finally know how difficult my mother’s work in the kitchen is! I only cooked this easy dish for over half an hour, while my mother has to satisfy and feed the whole family. Lastly, to do the homework itself is also unforgettable for me. It helps me be more independent. An amazing and meaningful experience!

初2020级04班 隋政邦

Through this cooking experience, I not only practiced cooking, but also mastered the use of many words and phrases. I look forward to more similar assignments in the future.

初2020级05班 唐睿诗

Personally speaking, I think it is a fantastic way to improve my spoken English as well as the ability to edit interesting videos. Of course, I met some problems when doing it. I still found my way to solve them. So I think it gives me another opportunity to improve my communication skills.

初2020级06班 张乐炀

I’m happy that our school has assigned us the unusual ‘homework’. For me, it’s absolutely a great chance to make a dish, which turned out to be fun. Meanwhile, I did improve my cooking skills a little bit. I don’t think we were just cooking, but making a piece of artwork. Thanks to this assignment, we get to know how difficult it is to make a dish. Shouldn’t everyone cherish the food made by our parents and the cooks?

初2020级07班 罗瑞嘉

When I got the chance to show my cooking skill, I was so surprised that I could combine my favorite hobby with my favourite English. This time, I chose to make a new dish with shrimps. It seemed easy but I spent a lot time making it. It was a difficult process to manage all the ingredients successfully. But at last, I made it by myself! I experienced more and learned more with English. It was an educational homework. I’m looking forward to the next task in English!

初2020级08班 王馨瑶

Hello, everyone. I am Sara. Last weekend, I cooked tasty food—steak. At first, I didn’t want to cook this meal. I was kind of forced to buy the ingredients in the supermarket. But later I felt enjoyable when I cooked by myself. It was easier and more interesting than I thought. When I tasted the steak made by myself, I felt it was the most delicious cuisine in the world. And I got a sense of achievement in the process of cooking. Cooking is an art and I think I am going to cook more in the future.

初2020级09班 徐意清

The homework aroused my origin interest in cooking, and it gave me an opportunity to develop it in my busy middle school life. Personally, I enjoyed the homework a lot!

初2020级10班 邓戎轩

I’m really enjoyable to do this homework. This is the best homework and this is the first time that I really feel the happiness of learning English.

Last week, my teacher told us we didn’t need to write passage last weekend, but we should make a video of making dishes. I made a traditional dish called fried fragrant fish. I work really hard to prepare for this like searching the words. I learned a lot of word such as: garlic, ginger, coriander. I won’t prepare like this if I need to write passage. And the most important reason is this was the thing I want to do, so I just tried my best to do it. I tried many times to make my expression fluent. I don’t even know I can learn a lot of things by just doing things that I want to do.

This is a new experiment to me. I’m glad I can learn happily with the help of our school and teachers.

初2020级11班 白梓宜

I’m making a snack called whole egg melt beans this time. I failed for the first time because I had no experience. It tastes good but looks bad. As a saying goes, failure is the mother of success, this is going to be precious time of my life. Surely, I’ll make better beans next time.

初2020级12班 李姝言

It was my first time to cook and speak so much English, so I was very nervous when shooting the video that my hand was too shaky to hold the knife. After several retakes, I finally made it. I felt a sense of achievement when I finished the last line.

初2020级13班 李玮索菲

This cooking activity really impressed me. Actually, I’m not good at cooking so it is a big challenge for me. At first, I forgot to buy all the ingredients and broke the machine that makes breakfast by accident. What’s worse, I even got hurt. However, I didn’t give up. The next day, I changed my recipe and make good preparations. Finally, I made it almost perfectly and learned a lot from this activity: Be practical and persistent. Never be afraid of any problems.

初2020级14班 李西桓

I think this assignment is really meaningful for me. After making the dish, I finally understand how hard it is for my mom and grandma to make meals everyday. I truly want to thank my teacher for giving me the opportunity to do something for my family and show my love to them.

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