
旅游 美味关系文化传播 2021-12-01 14:12


宝珀 & 屋里厢


On the evening of 27 October, an awards dinner for the 2021 Blancpain-Imaginist Literary Prize was held at Wulixiang. This award was jointly created by Swiss luxury watch brand Blancpain and influential Chinese publisher Imaginist to discover new faces in the literary world and create an international literary dialogue.



Chef Zhu Haifeng created a custom menu for the event and cooked live for the guests in the open kitchen of the private banquet room. Using the highest quality seasonal ingredients, the menu fused modern and traditional Shanghai flavours, with dishes matched with premium wines and spirits.


The menu opened with a selection of delicate Jiangnan-style appetisers, including spicy jizong mushrooms, drunken goose liver with sliced almonds, sweet and sour pork floss, and drunken mantis shrimp with caviar.


A light yet flavourful soup of Yunnan wild morel mushrooms and three-year-old hen flavoured with jujube and wild goji berries marked the transition to the main dishes. One of the most anticipated dishes of the night was Chef Zhu’s famous eight treasures stuffed duck. The stuffing is made with glutinous rice mixed with Jinhua ham, fresh bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms and more, with countless surprises waiting in each bite.


In the height of hairy crab season, Chef Zhu prepared hairy crab noodles live in front of the guests, carefully separating the white and brown meat from the large crabs from Lake Yangcheng, before briefly stir frying and mixing with homemade noodles. Finally, the dinner ended on a sweet note with a warming dish of red bean soup scented with ten-year-aged tangerine peel.



The Blancpain-Imaginist Literary Prize awards dinner was held in Wulixiang’s elegant private dining room, which can accommodate up to 18 guests. The open kitchen creates an immersive experience and allows guests to interact directly with the chef.


Wulixiang’s professional front of house and kitchen teams are delighted to offer custom dining experiences for guests. The restaurant’s convenient location and elegant, modern decor make it the ideal location for a range of occasions.

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