100-year egg是什么蛋?是“百年老蛋”吗?
一、“100-year egg”这个短语,跟“百年老蛋”没有关系,正确应该翻译为:
100-year egg:皮蛋
还有“1000-year egg”和“century egg”表示的都是“皮蛋”
Is a 100-year old egg really 100 years old?
100-year old(皮蛋)真的是100岁吗?
How do I know if my century egg is bad?
百年蛋,千年蛋,世纪蛋就是我们所说的皮蛋,有时还叫明朝蛋,主要从外观看好像存放了很长时间,似乎有上百年的历史,刚出土的样子,文雅一点的说法 preserved egg 皮蛋,松花蛋。
1.chicken egg 鸡蛋
The chicken egg is one of the world's most perfect foods.
2.duck egg 鸭蛋
Her name is duck egg.
3. goose egg 鹅蛋
He got a goose egg on the exam.
4. quail egg 鹌鹑蛋
He likes eating quail eggs very much.
三、 关于Egg的英语习语
1. egg on one’s face
Egg on one’s face难道是“有鸡蛋在脸上”的意思?
英语在线词典The Free Dictionary给出的解释为“embarrassment; humiliation”,即“尴尬,难堪;丢脸;蒙羞”。
This latest scandal has left him with egg on his face.
2. Easter egg
Easter egg我们比较熟悉,意思是“复活节彩蛋”。
西方许多小孩儿会在这天玩寻找复活节彩蛋(Easter egg hunt)的游戏,游戏所用的彩蛋通常是去除蛋清蛋黄的鸡蛋或鸟蛋,外面则通常绘有缤纷多彩的图案。
3.better an egg today than a hen tomorrow
Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow难道是在比较鸡蛋和母鸡的实际价值吗?当然不是。这个习语的字面意思是有蛋总比什么都没有强,明天有没有鸡还说不定,即“明天得一鸡不如今天得一蛋”,可以引申为“前程虽远大,现实尤可贵”或“今朝有酒今朝醉”。
该习语由an egg today is better than a hen tomorrow发展而来,与其结构相似的习语还有better half an egg than an empty shell (聊胜于无)。
4. you can't unscramble an egg
汉语中有句话叫“覆水难收”,比喻有些事情是无法挽回的,人不能随心所欲。英语里也有一个意思相近的习语,即you can't unscramble an egg,字面意思是“炒鸡蛋无法还原成生鸡蛋”。
其中,unscramble作动词,指“把……还原”,其反义词为scramble,意思是“炒(蛋)”,scrambled eggs即为“炒鸡蛋”
与该习语类似的表达还有you can't take the cream out of the coffee、don't cry over spilled milk等。
5.as full (of something) as an egg is of meat
As full (of something) as an egg is of meat是一语多义,既可以指“(头脑等)充满了……的,尽是……的”,也可以指“最好的;饱学的”。
该表达与as full (of something) as an egg is of meat意思相近,可互换使用。
The lecture was a work of art and stuffed as full of contents as an egg is of meat.
6. roc's egg
Roc是指阿拉伯神话传说中的大鹏,是一种食肉鸟,巨大无比,力大无穷。而roc's egg就指“镜花水月等虚幻之物”。
此习语出自阿拉伯民间故事集《一千零一夜》[One Thousand and One Nights,又名《天方夜谭》(Arabian Nights)]里的故事《辛巴达七海传奇》(The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor)中,这则故事描绘了充满热情、勇敢无畏的年轻水手辛巴达(Sinbad)的七次航海冒险故事。
What you want is like roc’s egg.